CampusFM 103.7


Hamsin u Wahda

Sensiela li se taghti opportunita lis-semmiegha biex isegwu t-tahdidiet li organizzaw il-Malta Historical Society fl-okkazjoni tal-50 sena tal-Indipendenza. Barra minn hekk se naraw l-istorja tas-socjeta' u l-hidma li taghmel biex f'Malta tkun apprezzata r-ricerka storika.

Produzzjoni u prezentazzjoni ta' Sergio Grech.

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Program 1: Is-Socjeta' Storika Maltija - Dr. Teresa Vella.
Program 2: Continuity and Change - key note speech ta' Prof Henry Frendo; Melita Historica - Dr. David Mallia.
Program 3: The development of Art and History - Michael Fenech.
Program 4: 60th Anniversary of the Malta Historical Society: A Commemoration - Dr. Joseph F. Grima, editor; Archiving in Malta - Charles Farrugia.
Program 5: L-istorja u ghaqdiet u socjetajiet storici - Dr Giovanni Bonello.
Program 6: Id-disinn - Stephen Vella. Program 7: History Week 2005: Malta u Mazzini - Dr Simon Mercieca, Dr Konrad Thake.
Program 8: L-ambjent matul dawn l-ahhar 50 sena - Dr Alan Deidun; Influences of the Spanish plateresque on Maltese Ecclesiastical Architecture - Prof Konrad Thake.
Program 9: Developments in technology during the last 50 years - Prof Robert Ghirlando; Influences of the Spanish plateresque on Maltese Ecclesiastical Architecture - Prof Konrad Thake (2).
Program 10: Archeology in Malta - Dr Reuben Grima; The Spanish Civil War as viewed from Malta - Georgio Peresso.
Program 11: Publikazzjonijiet u stampar - Dr William Zammit; The Spanish Civil War as viewed from Malta (3) – Georgio Peresso.
Program 12: Il-letteratura dawn l-ahhar 50 sena - Dr Adrian Grima.
Program 13: It-taghlim tal-istorja - Prof Yosanne Vella.
Program 14: Il-letteratura ghat-tfal - Trevor Zahra.
Program 15: L-istorja tal-istampar dawn l-ahhar 50 sena - Trevor Zahra.
Program 16: L-istorja tal-muzika f'Malta - Noel d'Anastas. (1)
Program 17: L-istorja tal-muzika f'Malta - Noel d'Anastas. (2)
Program 18: Change and Continuity - Prof Henry Frendo.