CampusFM 103.7



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Program 1: Disabled Children, their Voice and their Ability to be Active Agents in their Everyday Life - Elvira Psaila.
Program 2: An Exploration of Pathways of Desistance from Heroin Careers - Manuel Gellel.
Program 3: Researching Maltese pre-adolecents' use of the Internet and Social Media - Lorleen Farrugia.
Program 4: The Lived Experience of being 'NEET' - Audrey Friggieri.
Program 5: Chronicity: The Lived Experience of Women in Malta - Sharon Martinelli.
Program 6: Argumentation and Social Re-presentation: A Study in Coalitional Psychology - Luke Joseph Buhagiar.
Program 7: The Intersection between Disability and Sex: The Social Representations of Disabled Women in Malta - Amy Camilleri Zahra.
Program 8: Youth Transitions in Malta - Carmen Mangion.
Program 9: Talking Women: An Exploration of Women's Discourse with regards to Gender - Beverly Abela.
Program 10: Early Co-Parenting Programmes with Parents of infants with a highly reactive temperament: A randomised study using 'Parents as Partners' (PasP) – Dr Ingrid Lanfranco.
Program 11: Bringing Men In: The Lived Experience of Old Men as Caregivers to their Spouse in Malta - Roberta Sultana.
Program 12: Is-sotto kumitat dwar Ir-Riċerka u l-Pubblikazzjonijiet – Dr Ruth Falzon.
Program 13: Il-Fakulta għat-Tisħiħ tas-Soċjeta – Prof Andrew Azzopardi.