CampusFM 103.7


Ricerka fl-edukazzjoni ambjentali

Din is-sensiela tlaqqana ma� diversi persuni li rricerkaw xi aspett jew iehor tal-edukazzjoni ambjentali u nsiru nafu mhux biss dwar x'kienet ir-ricerka li wettqu imma wkoll taghrif li jghin lil dak li jkun jiehu decizjonijet aktar infurmati dwar kwistjonijiet ambjentali.

Produzzjoni u prezentazzjoni ta� Prof Paul Pace.

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Program 1: Effective environmental education through significant experiences.
Program 2: A sustainability reporting tool for schools.
Program 3: Walking the Talk.
Program 4: Strategic intercultural and evironmental management.
Program 5: The walking school bus: a social and cultural dimension.
Program 6: Journey to empowerment: A case study of the Eco-Skola programme.
Program 7: Positive youth action towards climate change.
Program 8: Attitudes of University students towards environmental responsibility.
Program 9: Non-formal environmental education in the Xaghra l-Hamra golf course issue.
Program 10: Concept mapping...
Program 11: Inter-generational influence on environmental education.
Program 12: Development of sixteen year old students' biology concepts through out-of-classroom activities.
Program 13: A competence based evaluation tool for environmental education.
Program 14: Sustainable development awareness and policy making in Malta.
Program 15: Perceptions on environmental science students on global warming and ozone depletions.
Program 16: Television as an educational tool for sustainable development: Its impact on youths' attitude.
Program 17: Sustainability reporting: Its relevance and applicability in schools.