CampusFM 103.7



Programm li jitratta diversi aspetti ta' l-ikel u l-kultura marbuta ma' l-ikel.

Produzzjoni u presentazzjoni ta' Dr. Karen Mugliett.

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Program 1: Professor Camilleri on the History of Food in Malta. (1)
Program 2: Professor Camilleri on the History of Food in Malta. (2)
Program 3: Noel Buttigieg on Development of our Diet. (1)
Program 4: Noel Buttigieg on Development of our Diet. (2)
Program 5: Dr. George Cassar on the Sociology of Food. (1)
Program 6: Dr. George Cassar on the Sociology of Food. (2)
Program 7: Dr. Karen Mugliett on Traditional Foods. (1)
Program 8: Dr. Karen Mugliett on Traditional Foods. (2)
Program 9: Ms. Philippa Spiteri on Consumer Supported Agriculture.
Program 10: Prof. Carmel Cassar and Dr. Suzanne Piscopo on the Slow Food Movement.
Program 11: Dr. Suzanne Piscopo on the Mediterranean Diet. (1)
Program 12: Dr. Suzanne Piscopo on the Mediterranean Diet. (2)
Program 13: Ms. Sonia Muscat on Food Patterns before and after Marriage.
Program 14: Ms. Elena Scicluna on Osteoporosis and Food.
Program 15: Ms. Lorraine Portelli on the History and Development of Home Economics and food studies in Malta.
Program 16: Mr. Noel Buttigieg on the Story of Bread.
Program 17: Dr. Karen Mugliett on Sustainable Food.