CampusFM 103.7


Entrepreneur Clinic

Monique Chambers ghenet bosta negozji jikbru u jiffjorixxu bis-sahha tal-esperjenza taghha fis-swieq internazzjonali. L-ghan ta' Entrepreneur Clinic huwa li jwiegeb, f'intervisti ma' esperti fil-qasam, uhud mill-mistoqsijiet li jigu f'mohh dawk li se jifthu negozju jew li se jniedu prodott gdid.

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Program 1: How you know you have a good idea - Prof Russell Smith.
Program 2: How to perform market research and protect ideas - Martina Pace.
Program 3: How to build a business plan - identify your audience - Edward Muscat Azzopardi - SWITCH.
Program 4: How to build a business plan - reach your audience - Peter Grech, BRNDWGN.
Program 5: How to build a business plan – your value proposition - Simon Azzopardi.
Program 6: When you should hire staff and how to manage that process - Fiona Ewins Brown, HR Catena.
Program 7: How to build a business plan: strategic alliances - Lewis Holland DiscountIF.
Program 8: How to stay motivated - Nathan Farrugia - UpYourLevel.
Program 9: How to finance your idea – Jean Paul Barthet Go Beyond.
Program 10: Mentors - how to use one and how to be one - Martin Hedley.
Program 11: Crowdfunding - Karl Grech from
Program 12: How to create a buzz - Dr Leonie Baldacchino, UoM.
Program 13: Apps: Marketing your offering - Steve Dullagan - Justsomecoding.
Program 14: Designed Thinking - Andy Linnas, Takeoff.
Program 15: Internationalisation - John de Giorgio, Shireburn.
Program 16: Local Success Story: Altaro - Stephen Chetcuti Bonavia and David Vella.
Program 17: Local Success Story: Grassy Hopper - Yasmin de Giorgio.