CampusFM 103.7


It's Debatable

Discussion on Current Affairs.

It's Debatable I

Discussion on Current Affairs.

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The first series of It's Debatable has been archived.

Please contact CampusFM for a copy of this series on CD.

It's Debatable II

Discussion on Current Affairs.

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Program 1: North Korea and nuclear power.
Program 2: Turkey in the EU.
Program 3: Legitimacy of troops in Iraq.
Program 4: Nuclear proliferation in the Middle East.
Program 5: Environmental affairs and world politics.
Program 6: Legitimacy of capital punishment.
Program 7: Religious freedom in China.
Program 8: Japan's nuclear programme and China.
Program 9: Women in international affairs.
Program 10: Conflict in Darfur.
Program 11: EU in Kosovo.
Program 12: Legal immigration and development states.
Program 13: Media and cultural imperialism?
Program 14: Far Right - matter of concern?
Program 15: Water and its role in politics.
Program 16: Coalition of Hamas and Fatah.

It's Debatable III

Discussion on Current Affairs.

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Program 1: Wikileaks.
Program 2: Secularism.
Program 3: Tunisia: A domino effect?.
Program 4: Climate Change.
Program 5: Integration of the member states of the European Union.
Program 6: Minority Rights.
Program 7: Human Trafficking.
Program 8: Changing roles and new rise of superpowers.
Program 9: Turkish foreign policy.
Program 10: Political polarization.
Program 11: East Asian security.
Program 12: FIFA and the politics of FIFA in terms of power and international relations.
Program 13: The role of social media in international relations.
Program 14: Illegal immigration.
Program 15: European Union Federalism.
Program 16: Current economic crisis.
Program 17: Unemployment, poverty and the concept of social exclusion.

It's Debatable IV

Discussion on Current Affairs.

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Program 1: Ethics in the contemporary warfare with regards to intervention in Libya.
Program 2: Palestinian statehood.
Program 3: Cyber warfare and terrorism.
Program 4: Multinational corporations and their role in developing countries.
Program 5: Germany in the chaotic economic crisis which is engulfing the entire Eurozone.
Program 6: Terrorism as an act of political communication.
Program 7: The role of political parties in Tunisia and Egypt in the context of the Arab Spring.
Program 8: Aid to Africa.
Program 9: Nuclear rise in the context of the growing tensions in the Middle East between Iran and Israel.
Program 10: Closed detention centres in Malta.
Program 11: The further integration of EU member states.
Program 12: Emancipation of women in politics and society today.
Program 13: Environmental security in today's politics.
Program 14: Turkey - Israel relations.
Program 15: Censorship of media.
Program 16: Men in power.
Program 17: The political relevance of the Olympic Games in London.