CampusFM 103.7



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Program 1: Fra Mudest - Charles Casha.
Program 2: Malta li ghext fiha: Tifkiriet ta' JJ Camilleri - Steve Borg.
Program 3: The Malta Book of Records and Firsts.
Program 4: Gonzi and Malta's break with Gaddafi: Recollections of a Premier.
Program 5: Progett Lorenzo Milani.
Program 6: Bil-hajku nsellimlek: mill-Gappun ghal Malta u lura.
Program 7: Kullana Kulturali.
Program 8: Trid kukkarda hamra f'gieh il-biza' - Trevor Zahra.
Program 9: Sensiela: Juan Mamo.
Program 10: Manuel Dimech.
Program 11: In-Nisga tal-Hsieb.
Program 12: The 1565 Ottoman-Malta Campaign Register.
Program 13: Fjuri li ma jinxfux � Prof. Oliver Friggieri.
Program 14: The Social and Religious History of a Maltese Parish: St. Mary�s Qrendi in the 18th century � Prof. Frans Ciappara.
Program 15: Terror's footprints - Shadows of International terrorism over Malta.
Program 16: France in Maltese collective memory, perceptions, perspectives, identities after Bonaparte in British Malta.
Program 17: The origins of Maltese statehood: A case study of Decolonialization in the Mediterranean.