CampusFM 103.7


Culture Vulture

Il-programm imtella' mill-istudenti Universitarji tal-Arti huwa mmirat lejn diskussjonijiet fuq l-Arti u jinkludi kull tip ta' arti, bhall-pittura, l-iskultura, il-muzika, id-drama, il-fotografija u aktar. Dan il-programm huwa l-programm radjofoniku uffi?jali tal-Biennale tal-Art Kontemporanja li ser jittella' l-Imdina fl-2015. F'kull programm ser ikun hemm mistiedna specjali, li huma artisti li ser jippartecipaw f'dan il-Biennale bit-tema: Kristjanita, Spiritwalit� u Lil Hinn.

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Program 1: Mdina Biennale 2015 with guests participating in the Biennale. (1)
Program 2: Mdina Biennale 2015 with guests participating in the Biennale. (2)
Program 3: The Other theme of Biennale; development of theme, artists and venues.
Program 4: Stephanie Sant, photographer taking part in Biennale.
Program 5: Music, sounds in the Biennale. (1)
Program 6: Music, sounds in the Biennale. (2)
Program 7: Discussion on the Biennale Theme. (1)
Program 8: Discussion on the Biennale Theme. (2)
Program 9: Discussion on the Biennale Theme - Pittura. (3)
Program 10: Discussion on the Biennale Theme - Self-portrait / thought behind Biennale. (4)
Program 11: Discussion on the Biennale Theme - Self-portrait / visual art. (5)
Program 12: Discussion on the Biennale Theme - Photography / art. (6)
Program 13: Discussion on the Biennale Theme (7).
Program 14: Discussion on the Biennale Theme (8) � Website and facebook of Biennale.
Program 15: Mdina Biennale: 4 French artists. (1)
Program 16: Mdina Biennale: 4 French artists. (2).
Program 17: Mdina Biennale: 2 participating artists.